Saturday, June 1, 2013

Cold food, hot house

Its dark, the day is over. It is 84 degrees inside our house and 74 degrees out. Despite our efforts, nine south-facing windows don't help the cause when the air conditioner is busted. The repairman came back today and said it he had suspected a clog in a part (gee, thanks for not mentioning it yesterday) and that he could fix it for another $500 but not til Monday. We figured if the part couldn't be acquired until Monday and we had two more nights of "camping" in the basement, we would at least take the opportunity to get a second opinion. So it's been a no baking, no cooking, no clothes dryer, no hair dryer, no in-and-out-the-doors kind of day. Very relaxing and good for book reading but also quite handy for shortening one's temper.


Ice Cream Recipe

My standard recipe, to which many additions can be made, is as follows:

2c. 2% milk
2c. heavy whipping cream
1c. granulated sugar
dash salt
2tsp. vanilla extract

Scald milk and dissolve sugar in hot milk. Remove from heat, add cream, salt and vanilla extract. Mix well and chill completely. Freeze according to your freezers instructions, makes 2 qt.

For this batch today, I added:

1/2 lb strawberries, hulled and scalded with milk, then whiz-erated in the blender
2T. lemon jucie

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