Monday, November 16, 2015


Among many other things around here, this is happening. Thanks to my untiring mother-in-law, we have painted everything under the chair rail in the living room and removed all the wallpaper. My word. That wallpaper.

The top layer is easy to rip off. It leaves the papery glue part behind. Then there is a system of spray, wait, steam, peel that gets us down to the gross nastiness that is the adhesive residue. That gets steamed again and scraped with a biscuit cutter. Yes, a biscuit cutter. Desperate times.

I've patched all my scrapes, dings, and holes with wall compound and I have a wee bit more to sand before applying the primer and paint. Having a million additional things to do on my list today, I will be satisfied if I can get the primer on but I'd be tickled pink to get the paint on, too. At this point, the one yellow wall (Sherwin Williams Anjou Pear) is more of a distraction than an encouragement. In order to paint the other walls, I will have to stop staring at this one!

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