Saturday, May 23, 2015

Brisk brunch

lady slippers :: sunbeams through the canopy :: thrush nest in the hemlock 
:: wood violets :: ferns :: the overlook

Turns out my honey hat wasn't too little too late, but rather just enough just in time. Friday morning we rolled out of bed and carried a picnic brunch to the top of Ravens Rock in Cooper's Rock State Park. When we left the house at about 7am, the temperature outside was hovering around 45F.

The trail is about 1.5 miles and ends at the magnificent Ravens Rock overlook. Along the way, we stopped in to visit the wood thrush we first met last year and on the way back, we spotted a hooded warbler, a first for us both.

If you haven't already, go on a nature walk this weekend! The weather is perfect for it!

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