Saturday, March 19, 2016

Amanda Makes Episode 09

Ravelry Links
Julie's Dream Bird (Indigo Bunting)
Nailya Plaskey Designs (and her cable headband I'm going to do: Better Cable Headband)

Craft Acquisitions
Cestari, DK natural gray



  1. Well that stinks! I was hoping to listen to you while making granny squares. I'll check back in a little and see if it's up and going.

  2. You make me laugh Amanda! Imagine, you have two shoes...the for each foot! :)

    I do have Amazon Prime, but am not sure I can watch that movie, I never watch anything were animals are hurt.

    Oh, I use those exact same sock needles too, but have also now discovered Dreamz needles, a little more pricey, but wow!

    1. It was a hard movie to watch but it was all done extremely well. I'm a farm kid and it made a ver strong impression on me. If there is doubt in your mind, just google some about her and the impact she made, skip the movie. She's gotten some criticism over the years but I think there are always skeptics when you up-end the "system".
      It is fascinating!

  3. I absolutely loved Temple Grandin! And, I will be interested to see what you make with the Cestari yarn.

    I will listen to your YouTube broadcast over the weekend, after my "to-do before Easter" list is all checked off!

  4. Just watched your podcast. Thank you for a shout out! I am looking forward to seeing your progress on the headband.

  5. I adore you and your podcast :) I don't think I can watch that movie...I'm too sensitive!

  6. I'm late as usual but nevertheless I loved this! I had you playing while working on rolls and strawberry jam for Easter morning and it was lovely to listen to you chat about yarn and projects! I want to know if you came up with something for your fabric in the way of an Easter outfit!! I have always had mixed feelings on temple grandin, I think because there is a huge variety within autism and it seems from things I remember reading in school years ago that i felt she didn't allow for that variety in her opinions, although if that's the case, that rigidity also can probably be traced to her own autism diagnosis. It sounds like a really interesting movie and I'd probably learn a lot about her!
