We took a bit of a road trip, the longest the kayaks have ever been from home, down to Upper Pleasant Valley Wildlife Management Area and Tygart Lake. It was uncharted territory for us and a nice departure from the usual scenery. The foliage was just perfect.
We paddled all around the pond for a while, spooked out a family of red winged blackbirds, paddled up the creek and through the cow pasture until a downed tree across the creek prohibited further passage.
We were entertained by an osprey that kept screeching from its perch and diving into the pond for a snack. It was fascinating to watch, and something we'd never witnessed before. That's him/her in the photo above.
Tonight we are expecting our first frost. The temp is already 36F so I am confident we will get a good one. It is late coming, I feel, and as beautiful as this fall has been, I think I am about ready for putting the garden to bed. Ah. I should go clip some fresh cilantro first, though.
that is THE perfect weekend. Slow quiet and filled with nature. I love the brown in most of the photos, so fall like!